Customer Experience Strategy & Design

Decide where and how you deliver your brand promise.

“They helped us turn high-level brand strategy into specific elements of a new branded customer experience that could be delivered in complex operational situations. Their ability to draw on a broad range of perspectives from within and outside our sector helped us raise the bar on what to deliver and consider new ways to make it happen.”


What is customer experience strategy & design?

Experience is whatever the customer perceives it to be – and you can’t manage it completely. What you can do is influence that experience by being very intentional about where and how you deliver your brand promise in order to create hallmarks of the customer experience that create advocacy.

The challenge is to see the experience from the point of view of the customer, not the organisation, and to manage the complexity of multiple touchpoints across a number of different channels which make up the typical customer journey.

How we help

  • The customer experience workshop – we conduct a creative two-day workshop and design the detailed multi-channel experience for key target customers that will deliver your brand promise.
  • Detail the hallmark moments – we focus on how to meet and exceed customer expectations through the ‘brilliant basics’ and ‘magic moments’ that create customer loyalty and advocacy.
  • Executive report and briefing – recommendations for the customer experience and blueprint for implementation.

Making customer experience design real

Your customer experience is built around your brand purpose and promise. We bring together key people from across your business so that all functional areas are involved directly in the creative process of identifying pain points, opportunities and also the hallmark touchpoints that will really differentiate your brand and emotionally engage your customers.

Working in this way makes the experience design real for your business, improving employee engagement and ensuring that the output is something which can be applied in every department and at every interaction throughout the customer journey.

Watch out for...

Design by committee

You need cross-functional input but if you present a blank sheet to the team, you’ll get bogged down in arguments and paralysed by too many voices wanting to go in too many different directions. So, begin by creating a strawman design and then set aside a day with the cross-functional team to debate it, evolve it and plan to implement it.

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CX Roadmap

Introducing The CEO’s CX Roadmap to a Standout Customer Experience: six days to set you up for success

Businesses that lead in CX see results that outstrip their competitors, enjoying up to: More importantly, they turn customers into die-hard fans – almost doubling their value. But – spoiler alert – this doesn’t happen by

employee experience strategy

From Values to Action: Creating Impactful Training (that Builds Exceptional Customer Experiences)

Discover how an employee experience strategy and effective employee training programmes deliver exceptional customer outcomes.
why leaders are crucial to customer experience

Senior leaders: your company’s customer experience needs you!

Senior leaders set the tone for customer experience success. From aligning priorities to embedding a customer-first mindset, their active involvement is critical.

Our Services

Brand-led Business Strategy

A growth strategy that inspires customers and employees


A distinctive customer experience that sets you apart


A culture that enables and empowers employees

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Purpose, Pay or Perks?
What Matters Most to Employees.

Download our FREE White Paper.

We commissioned an independent survey of 1000 UK employees with the objective of understanding how expectations around what they want or expect from work have changed since the pandemic.

Fill in the form below to download our report.