CEM+ Self-Assessment
Determine where you are on your journey towards creating a distinctive and differentiated customer experience for your business
Many organisations seek to differentiate through customer experience, yet few have a systematic process for doing so. Different executives have different ideas about what needs to be done, what needs to be prioritised and how to do it. CEM+ brings clarity and helps you focus your effort on the few things that will make the biggest difference.
This assessment tool will help you determine where you are on your journey towards creating a distinctive and differentiated customer experience for your business. It’s a very simple tool designed to help you lead a debate in your organisation about the nature of customer experience management (CEM), what it entails, and where you should prioritise.
What do we mean by ‘customer experience’?
Customer experience has been the topic of much discussion and analysis over the last few years and there are countless theories and methodologies on how to do it. Where there is agreement, however, is on what most companies want their customer experience implementation to achieve:
- A brand promise that targets what your most profitable customers value
- A customer experience that differentiates your brand and delivers your promise at key touch points
- Enthused employees who deliver this experience consistently
- Delighted customers who are loyal and recommend you to others
- Measurable results that demonstrate ROI
This survey will help you think about each of the above issues and what you need to do to achieve them.
What about my team?
The best way to use this is to have every member of your senior team answer the questions individually and then share the results. Difference of opinion is good and healthy!
Where there are divergent results and views, discuss how you might use further work and analysis to test assumptions and gain more objectivity through using a full CEM+ survey for example. This is the start of your journey to be world class.